Friday, May 6, 2011

What I've Been Up To Lately...

So here's a little preview of what I'm working on for Monday's post....

It involves this:


And this:
(I found this one I loved at Bed Bath and Beyond - the stripes are actually plush, so it's very spa like - I fell in love at first sight... We went there to get the one I had posted about and found this one instead - not totally a love story as it was $10.00 more then the other one but it matched my bath mat perfectly!!)

And a new towel bar yet to be purchased...tonight.... so that my room is back together for my mothers day festivities, hosted by moi, on Sunday.

Remember here, where I mentioned my design dilemma, well dilemma solved... I

Right, now it looks like this. A thousand times brighter then it did yesterday (and we only have 2 of 4 light bulbs in the fixture right now)...

Check back Monday for a pulled together post of the finished project in all it's glory!!

Have a great weekend, and Happy Mother's Day to all you mom's out there (whether you are a grandma, a mom, a mommy-to-be, or a wanna-be momma, if there are children in your heart happy mom's day - you all deserve celebrating)!!!


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