Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Would You Rather Wednesdays

So here's my first edition of Would You Rather Wednesdays?, a link up with Ash from Life As I Know It

1) Would you rather forget to brush your hair or forget to put on deodorant on a hot summer day?
        - forget to brush my hair cuz I can always tie it up but chasing a two yr old and being stinky - yucko

2) Would you rather walk on broken glass or hot fresh pavement?

    - umm neither.... I think broken glass because I can imagine the kind of pain it would be kinda like walking on gravel so as long as I went slow and steady lol

3) Would you rather eat 6 plates of brownies or 6 bags of chips?

      - umm chips if there was dip, but I'd really prefer half and half

4) Would you rather gain weight in you butt or your gut?

    - I think my butt, what kind of question is this?

5) Would you rather have a migraine or the flu?

     - the flu but minus the puking lol

6) Would you rather eat with a fork or a spoon for the rest of your life?

     - a fork I could still eat ice cream in teeny tiny bites mhhmmm ice cream

7) Would you rather eat a gallon or ketchup or mustard?

     - ketchup defintely

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