Saturday, March 26, 2011

Before pics - Hannah's bedroom and Our Master Closet

So, now that photo - uploader seems to be working at a reasonable pace. I'll add the before pics of our master closet (viewer beware - they are graphic in nature - you may feel the need to cringe at the current level of disorganization...)

Tip of the iceberg of the mess...

Way tooo much in there...

Yep...can barely see the floor....

Terrible state of disarray!!
That photo montage has me dreaming of my closet organizers. It will never look like that again... holy bad!!!

And now onto Hannah's bedroom shots before.....

Her bed and chair....

Her closet door and one dresser...

Her bedroom door

Her bed complete with Minnie, and missing Mickey (who is somewhere buried in the great room, much to her disappointment come bedtime...)

Her other dresser...

Her walk-in doesn't look soo bad here...but....

....not in great shape here....

It will also be getting an organizer and will not look like this ever again...

So that concludes my before photos, stay tuned for the afters....


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog :) Following you back!
    Love the detailed photos. Your mess isn't that bad but you have tons of stuff. Your little girl has more clothes than me :D
    Jen @ My Secret Home

