"Harvesting the Heart" - Jodi Picoult
This book is about a mom trying to feel her way through her relationship with her child, after not having a mother figure in her life, for so long. It dances around the issues of nature versus nurture, and how we are influenced by those around us, or in this case seemingly have gone before us. Paige (the main character), has a lot to deal with, she's a new young mother in an unplanned pregnancy, and she has yet to deal with the issues that are residual from her own mother leaving her when she was a young girl. She doesn't have that mother figure to turn to with questions, and we all know having a newborn allows for all kinds of questions.
This is one of the questions Paige deals with (she asks of her Dr.):
"..."How long does it take?" I asked, a thousand questions at once. How long before I know what i am doing? How long before I feel like myself again? How long before I can look at him with love instead of fear?" ...."It will take", she said, "the rest of your life."
I don't know that I totally agree with this line of questioning (not that it is for me to agree with or disagree with...). I can relate to the whole afraid to do anything wrong thing, afraid to wake the baby up for fear of the repercussions, but I know that while I am fearful I know it's because I love her so very much I couldn't imagine anything happening to her. So I feel I fear as I love. And I do believe I will do this for the rest of my life.
Being a mother is such a delicate fine balance, and I do not blame Paige for not knowing how to handle it all at once, and seeking out her own mother, following in her footsteps, seemingly. However, there are a lot of things that are different between Paige and her mother, but all the while there are a lot of things the same. Paige gets to struggle with a lot of her own demons, and gets to ask her mother all the questions she always wondered about, but may not necessarily like the answers and then has to deal with that repercussion, like I said it's a fine balance.
Stay tuned for the second installment of my review on this book.
Thanks Amy
Romanticize Your Home
1 week ago
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