Day 3: Your first love
So,today I'm supposed to talk about my first love, well to start things off it wasn't my hubby, lol, although he was a great friend that saw me through the heart breaks of the loves gone before him (thereby shaping him into an even better hubby to be). My first love was definitely G.R we'll call him, I was soo infatuated with that boy in my Grade 8 year, yep, first love, at the age of 13. I can say he was my first love because, when we finally did get together we ended up dating for 2 1/2 years. Half way through high school my friends.
G.R wasn't a popular guy in grade school, he was shy and quiet, but he was sweet as anything. And he had these amazing long brown eyelashes. He came from a large family, and he sure did make me chase him. We spent hours and hours on the phone at night, and when he finally got around to asking me out I was so thrilled. I'll never forget that, which is hilarious, because it pales in intensity to say the birth of my child, or my hubby asking me to marry him. But I think it's because he was the first guy to ever ask me to a dance, then ask me out, and he was my first kiss. We started dating at the very end of my grade 8 year, literally weeks before our graduation, and graduation dance. As it turned out the entire time I was sure he was building up the nerve to ask a certain (other) girl to a dance, that certain girl was me the entire time. So, he asked me out and we saw each other every other day over the summer, I got to know his amazing family (who I still talk to to this day). We both went off to different high schools, but saw each other every weekend. It was a great first love. But after two years of dating, he was getting in with a crowd at his high school I didn't particularly care for, and make no mistake, they didn't like me stealing away their star goalie to spend time with me. So eventually that put some strain on the relationship, and I decided to end it. I had met someone else, who also went to his school, and had started treating me like G.R used to treat me, and I longed for the days when he wanted to treat me that way. I didn't cheat on G.R, the friend that had started spending time with me when G.R couldn't/wouldn't knew I had a boyfriend that I loved soo very much, but I think he knew as much as I did it was over. So, I broke it off with G.R (which was hard - especially when you are soo close to his family), and it was a bit of a saga. G.R soon realized what he was missing out on, and very much wanted me back, and I went back a few times, only to fall into the same pattern. So, I finally called it off, and blatantly avoided him, not taking his calls (and there were many), avoiding places I knew he'd be because I did love him, but it hurt to see him wanting me so bad, but not bad enough to change his habits long term. Eventually, that friend and I started dating, and G.R and I became great friends. He always wanted more and I always remembered why we broke up, so that's the story of my first love.
Since then we've both got married, and he has two children with his wife and I have one with my hubby. We still bump into each other from time to time and it's nice to catch up. But, I am glad that he was my first love, I have many fond memories of those years.
So, that's my first love story in a nutshell.
Romanticize Your Home
1 week ago
Awesome start to the 30 day blog challenge! I'm loving your stories, keep it up!